Professional Development

My Resumé  

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I have been a member of SPEAQ (Society for the Promotion of the Teaching of English as a Second Language in Quebec ) since 2006. I attended several workshops. Being a member of SPEAQ provides us with useful tips and ideas to be used in our classroom.


"Vie Pédagogique" is an electronic journal about education matters in general. It is provided by the MELS (Ministère de l'éducation, des loisirs et du Sport) and contains interesting articles written by teachers and educational experts. I subscribed in 2006 when I started my bachelor's degree in teaching ESL.

My Practica

Stage IV - École primaire les Prés-Verts

I did my stage IV in Charlesbourg for la Commission scolaire de la Capitale with a group of intensive grade 6 students. It was a very rich environment in which to learn because I was always with the same students all day long for three months. Therefore I was privileged and had the chance to do several interesting projects and activities with them. I was also able to establish good morning and end-of-day routines with them. This kind of experience gave me solid basis in terms of planning my daily schedule. It also gave me the occasion to create a special bond with my students.

Stage III - École secondaire Pointe-Lévy

This school is part of "des Navigateurs" school board since it is located in Lévis. I had the opportunity to work with secondary five students, both from the regular and enriched programs. With my regular secondary 5 students I did a project on media and they had to create an infomercial at the end (it could be a sketch or a video). With the students in the enriched program, I mainly worked with literature as we read and analyzed texts. I used coop activities such as jigsaw to have them analyzed their texts. At the end, they all produced an informative text about one of their family member. In both levels, I got outstanding results from the students' productions.

Stage II - École Primaire du Harfang-des-Neiges

Located in Stoneham this school is part of "des Premières Seigneuries" school board. It is during this practicum that I really started to teach. I had students ranging from grade 1 to 6. This practicum gave me the real picture of what it was like to be an English teacher on a daily basis.

Stage I - École secondaire Samuel-de Champlain

This high school is located in Beauport and is therefore part of "des Premières Seigneuries" school board. Since this practicum is the first one, it is mostly about observation. However, I did have the chance to teach a few classes and design a bingo activity for students with language problems like dysphasia.


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